Why Us


Your first consultation with us is the most important step towards choosing the correct remedy for your ailments. Here is what is done at first consultation and why we give so much stress to it…
The most fundamental tenets of homeopathy are:

  • The law of Similars
  • Wholism
  • Individualization



THE LAW OF SIMILARS is the fundamental principle upon which homeopathy rests. It exactly states the age of principle of “Poison Cures Poison.” The choice of the correct homeopathic medicine for you will done in exact accordance with this natural law of cure.


WHOLISM is the next important tenet of the healing science of homeopathy. In homeopathy, this is implemented by deeply studying the symptoms of your illness.


This will also include carrying out a thorough physical examination and ordering appropriate laboratory or radio logical tests depending upon your disease condition. Further, homeopathy is by far the only system of medicine
which systematically considers your physical sufferings as well as the your mental state of being. This is made possible by carrying out a detailed interview with our patients. During this interview, it is important that you share with us your sufferings and problems to the fullest possible extent. The idea of wholism also extents further in comprehensively understanding all other complaints and illnesses other than the main reason for which you consult us.


Every illness that you suffer from is considered in great details before choosing the right remedy for you. Even your state of mind and personality traits are extremely important in making the selection of the right homeopathic remedy for you.


The first interview would therefore alongside include understanding the kind of person that you are and the factors that have played an important role in shaping you up as a person that you are today.
Therefore you will find that we would also like to know about the stresses in your life that have probably resulted in you falling sick and also how you responded to these situations during your lifetime. In order to understand the roots of your mental make and to understand the pattern of your physical or mental illnesses we always ask you about your childhood illnesses and your upbringing.
The idea behind doing such a comprehensive study of you as a person and your diseases is find that unique pattern which creates dis-ease, which tips off your equilibrium.


The recognition of your unique dis-ease pattern forms the third fundamental tenet of homeopathy-INDIVIDUALIZATION. Every individual irrespective of the various names of illnesses that s/he suffers has a highly individual dis-ease pattern which keeps repeating every time you fall sick. Homeopathic remedy is directed at neutralising your own very unique unhealthy pattern. Thereby ensuring a sustained state of health.


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