Autism Spectrum Disoders


Autism Spectrum Disoders & Efficacy Of Individualized Homeopathic Treatment

Autism Spectrum disease are a group of neuro-developmental disorders. Since these disorders involve widespread areas of the brain they are also called as Pervasive developmental disorders.

This group of disorders comprise of the following clinical entities:
1. Typical Infantile Autism
2. Asperger’s syndrome
3. Rett’s Syndrome
4. Childhood Disintegrative Disorders
5. Pervasive Developmental Disorders NOS.

The diagnostic features of ASD consists of :
1. Lack of reciprocal social interaction
2. Impaired Communication skills
3. Repetitive behaviour or interests.

Lack Of Social Interaction:
Parents most frequently come to the physician complaining that the child “remains in his own world.” Such a behaviour is often mistaken as disobedience or deafness.

The real problem with children suffering of ASD is that they lack the ability to appropriately respond to an interaction initiated by the opposite person- in this case, it is usually the parents.

These children are unable to make eye-to-eye contact, make appropriate facial expressions in response to calling them out or looking at them or they are unable to make appropriate body gestures/postures.

These children hardly show any interest in making connections with others around. In older children, they may show interest in making contacts with others, but they are unable to grasp social cues of interaction. Therefore one finds them unable to follow participate in games and follow its rules.

Children with ASD typical lack the curiosity to know things and spontaneity to enjoy

Impaired Communication Skills:
Children with ASD have either a complete lack or delayed development of speech. In those children who have a developed speech have difficulty or complete inability to initiate or sustain a conversation.
Typically these children are unable to imitate their parents and caregivers.

Repetitive Behaviours:
Very often one would find a child who will jump, shriek and flap their hands several times without a sufficient cause. ASD patient will insist on sameness and show resistance towards any changes.

Repetitive behaviours may also include doing a particular thing in exactly the same manner several times a day. The commonest examples of repetitive (stereotype) behaviour are- jumping, flapping of hands, wanting to eat the same things every day and refuses to accept any other food, For the diagnosis of ASD it is important that all these happen at early childhood.

The mainstay to treat ASD is early intervention.

For early intervention it is important we are aware of the possibility of such a condition and know at least its basic indicators. This is especially important for parents, care-givers, health care professionals and primary school teachers.

Having understood the basic facts of the disease symptoms, let us turn to how homeopathy at SIMILIA THE CLASSICAL HOMEOPATHY CLINIC tackles these challenging conditions.

Every child presenting at our clinic is thoroughly studied through a detailed clinic history, physical examination, appropriate psychometric testing, psychological assessment and prescribing appropriate Sensory integration therapy.

The clinical history would involve the following aspects:
1. The history of onset of the abnormalities of behaviour or developmental milestones of the child.
2. The emotional state and sensitive of the child is minutely studied through observing them in the clinic and their interaction with their care-givers.
3. The birth history
4. Family history of various disease is considered and correlated.
5. Pregnancy history of the mother is an area deeply investigated by us. This aspect of the history is touched upon very superficially by mainstream medicine. For a homeopathy the changes in the mother during the pregnancy often provide vital clues to selection of the correct homeopathic remedy.

After this comprehensive history taking and analysing the data, a suitable homeopathic remedy is chosen for the child.

Along side the homeopathic medicine, sensory integration & occupational therapy and remedial education is advised, thereby giving a multidisciplinary intervention to tackle this rather complex condition.

In a recent study on ASD at the M.B.Barvalia foundation’s Spandan Holistic Institute published in peer-reviewed Indian Journal of Research in Homeopathy it is found that Mild to Moderate Autism cases have 88% chances of improvement.

The study clear shows that significant improvement occurs in all the 3 areas of problem in Autism, viz: Reciprocal social interaction, Communication skills and repetitive behaviours.

Another very important area that is deeply and positively influenced by individualised homeopathic treatment are associated physical ailments and underlying medical conditions.

A full details of the study can be found at;year=2014;volume=8;issue=3;spage=147;epage=159;aulast=Barvalia;type=0


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